Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bake 52: Oatmeal Scones

This week's recipe was chosen by Jennifer and you can get the recipe HERE. I was skeptical about the scones. I thought they might be too oaty for me. But I was pleasantly surprised. Nick took the first bite and said "Mmmmm, it's okay - a little bland". But by the third bite, he was converted. It's a scone that I didn't think was flavorful enough to eat on its own. It needs jam or honey to go with it, but it's a very nice recipe.

I also baked the pumpkin cake from last week. It turned out great, although I ended up with a thin layered of less-cooked batter at the bottom of the pan, which I thought was odd. I didn't have cream cheese, so I went without the frosting. It was moist and delicious!


SydneyMin said...

Yum! scones! I love both the fried dough ones (we had those as kids a lot) and the Scottish version which you made here. I guess Nick's Scottish roots were showing when he decided these were pretty good :)

Jennifer O'Neal said...

Ah, so their Scottish. That is good to know! What are the fried ones?

Audrey Crisp said...

Both look great!