Monday, March 9, 2009

My friend Julie tagged me several weeks ago, but I haven't been checking blogs much, so I just saw it (sorry, Julie!) So, here is the 6th picture in the 6th folder of my pictures:
My 6th folder is from teaching Kindergarten. Here is a picture from the second-to-last day of school when we had a school sing/dance. We did a dance to "Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead" and the kids dressed up like Wizard of Oz characters. Obviously the boy on the right didn't give the notes to his parents about dressing up (unless they thought Spiderman was a character in the Wizard of Oz)!
Yesterday I started the project of making new curtains for our kitchen door. It was supposed to be a quick project that I could practice using my serger on, but there were a few bumps in the road. First, I cut the fabric too short (it doesn't help to measure twice and cut once if you don't measure right either time!) Then I found that the top rod was hung just a little crooked, so that complicated things, but, in the end it all worked out! I finished them up quickly this morning, and here the are:



Audrey Crisp said...

look how crafty you are! cute!

Suspension Bridges said...

I really admire your talent em. I wish I often remind myself of the pride and prejudice line where they talk about being better piano players but you won't be if you don't practice. I guess that means I should practice.

Adam & Ady said...

You amaze me my dear! I couldn't do that if I tried. I am hopeless on the sewing machine!!!

Ranger Tiff said...

Hi Emily Sue! Thank you for your nice comments about my surgery. I love the tag picture you posted. The Spiderman kid is hilarious! And I LOVE your curtains! You are so crafty. I need you to come make me some curtains :-) I miss you guys a lot and hope you are doing well. I love reading your fun blog posts!