Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thanks, Matt & Kristen, for inviting us to go bowling (I obviously need to go more)! We had a great time.
The whole gang (me behind the camera).
Matt helping Dallan bowl. He almost beat me!
Dad getting ready to roll!

Kamdyn couldn't bowl, but he had fun hanging out with everyone there!
Who knew they had bottom-of-the-shoe polishing services at bowling alleys :)
Nick celebrating his strike.
Dallan giving a high-five after knocking down all the pins!


Audrey Crisp said...

That looks like so much fun! I love going bowling!!

SydneyMin said...

Fun times! I have never gone bowling with Tony. We want to go - maybe you'll inspire us :) Glad to see your smiling faces! I hear Nick's graduation is right around the corner. Yea!!!!

Alison said...

I looks like you all had a fun time. I need to go bowling more also.

MKD Family said...

Em, I need copy of pictures please. That was a fun time Thank you for coming. We always enjoy hanging out with you and Nick. Come visit soo so we can play the Wii and have fun.