Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jepsen's Visit: Sunday

We went to church bright and early Sunday morning. The boys always look so great dressed in their white shirts and ties.

Sunday afternoon we took naps, baked Babka, and went to the Temple Visitor's Center.
Catching up on all the technology after church really wore Peter out!

Daphne loved bananas!

Cami captured a funny picture of Nick on her phone.

Since Alan's mother was Polish, we wanted to make the one Polish food I know how to make - Babka. We made it for the Bake 52 group I'm in. Some things went better with it this time, others did not. I guess I need to get larger bread pans the next time because it kept spilling over and burning on the bottom of the oven, filling the house with smoke. Not the best Polish Babka, but it was good enough!

While Cami and I got the Babka ready to go, Nick and Peter worked on sealing lettuce in jars. (Go here if you want to know more about that.)

I may or may not have caught my finger in the nut cracker when demonstrating shelling pecans.

Cami was the best dough-roller.
The lovely haze as I scraped burning cinnamon and raisins off the bottom of the oven.

See that piece falling out on the far right? It was exploding out of the pan!

Later this month Alan is turning 60! 
He loves desserts, so we celebrated a bit early with pie, ice cream and trifle. 

1 comment:

Audrey Crisp said...

It still looked good! How fun to have them stay with you!