The Bee Story:
Just before last Thursday's commencement, I was waiting with all the other law students to walk to the Marriott Center. A bee flew by and I tried to wave it away, but instead it flew in my collar! One of my friends told me it was stuck there, so I froze and waited for it to fly away... but it didn't. Pretty soon a decent crowd of fellow law students gathered around to see what was going on. I was still frozen, leaning over, with the bee on the inside of my collar. The Bee Story:
One of my friends offered to hit my collar and squish it, but I knew I would get stung if he tried it. After they told me where the bee was, I had the idea to wedge the corner of my graduation cap between my neck and the bee to protect my neck, and then my friend could squish the bee between my collar and the hat. (I like to think that this is what will make me a great lawyer -- quick thinking under pressure.) It seemed like the best idea at the time, and we didn't have much time before we had to start walking.
My friend put my cap in place and began pounding on my neck... just as the dignitaries started walking by us! I couldn't see (because I was getting my neck pounded on at the moment), but my friends said that Elder Nelson and President Utchdorf were giving us pretty strange looks as they walked by about 10 feet away.
Once the bee was thoroughly smashed, my friend was able to flip it out of my collar with the cap. I was fine, the cap was fine, and my shirt only had a tiny bee-stain. So before the ceremony even started, I had more of a "pat on the back" than I was expecting.
The Graduation:
There were over 6,000 graduates, so we filled more than a quarter of the Marriott Center.

The Graduation Party:

The Convocation:
The law school convocation on Friday was held at the Provo Tabernacle. It was nice having a ceremony just for the law school. With about 150 students, it wasn't nearly as long as the ceremonies for some departments.
The Graduate:
I'm enjoying a few weeks of freedom before my bar study course begins, sleeping in, fixing our cars, watching tv, and catching up on all my favorite websites. I'm still waiting to get a start date from my firm, but we are hoping to move out to D.C. at the end of the summer.
Congrats Nick---on holding still while there was a bee in your collar. I mean, graduating is okay and all...but a bee in your collar! I might have died.
Also, Dean Gordon is in my ward. Love that man!
Sounds like a day to remember.
Congratulations, Nick! I'm glad you didn't get stung... yelping in pain may have been even more exciting than being hit as the dignitaries walked by - but just very slightly more exciting :)
Wow. I don't know if it was a result of the suspense from the bee story or what, but the picture of "the hooding" honestly got me teary-eyed. I guess it just made it really official for me that you did something truly amazing and you are just headed for more amazing experiences. I'm so glad you and Emily found each other and that I am blessed with your friendship. Congrats again.
And great Grand Canyon pics!
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