Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year

2011 marks the Year of the Rabbit, so we thought we should celebrate in honor of Daphne. Plus, it gave me a good excuse to display our Chinese/Japanese trinkets.
The current decor of the dining room.
Fortune cookies will be waiting for us after our Chinese take-out tonight.
Stone figures one of Nick's friends brought him from China (most of his friends are Asian).
Chinese lantern from Chinatown in San Francisco, Geisha figurines and Geta from my trip to Japan. Chop sticks are from a local store - why didn't I buy chopsticks in Japan???
I drew the Chinese character for good luck with a sharpie on some grass paper and the cherry blossom tree is a greeting card I found.
I found this fabric at JoAnn's and stretched into some canvas frames - cheap, quick and easy to change.
These are fabric squares I bought in Japan, but haven't known what to do with them. I think they'll be my next table runner project.

Are any of you celebrating the Year of the Rabbit?


Barbaloot said...

Ooh-me, I celebrated! My Chinese sister-in-law made us some AMAZING food last night (seriously-I'm still full). Then, I got $5 cuz I'm still a "kid." Great night:)

Alison said...

Rob just got back from China and he brought the baby back a red rabbit. He said it was crazy over there. I love all of your decorations.

Katie Parent said...

We are celebrating the year of the rabbit... Alex is supposed to do a post about it on our blog today.

Katie Parent said...

PS love the decorations.