My family could all tell you that I did not enjoy picking things up and doing chores growing up. The only way my mom could get me to do it when I was really young was to make it into a game. I wish I could say I have matured in that area, but I would be lying.
Here is the game:
1. Buy some ping pong balls and write a chore on each one.
2. Gather the family, set the timer for 30 minutes (or however long you think you'll need), then have everyone pick out a ball from the bowl.
3. When you are done with your chore, you pick out another ball, etc.
4. When the 30 minutes are over, everyone counts their ping pong balls and whoever has the most wins a prize.
5. Enjoy the rest of your day with a clean house.
Fun, no? I've got my bowl of chores all ready to go.
That's awesome! I may have to try this idea. Love it!
ooh... I like it!
I saw this idea in a magazine! Great idea... I'm totally storing it in the back of my mind for when my kids or older!
Haha... Good idea!
There would have to be a set standard of what clean/done was. I can see Justin winning everytime only because I am picky about how clean.
You are so funny!
P.S. I always LOVE Magazine Monday posts!
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